Our participation at EuroPerio Amsterdam

The scientific international congress EuroPerio Amsterdam was recently celebrated. A congress that every three years gathers together the greatest experts in periodontics and to which was attended by several of the members of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum. Doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Erik Regidor were present at the event together with doctors Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona) and Eduardo Montero (PerioCentrum Madrid) to be part of one of the most significant congresses of odontology, and more precisely, of periodontics.

EuroPerio, organized and promoted by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), is a scientific triennial congress held for the first time in 1994. At present, it is one of the events marked in red for all periodontics specialists. It includes an exceptional program regarding quality and diversity which marks the clinical and scientific agenda of many professionals of the dentistry. This edition celebrated in the Dutch capital, had the participation of several of the members of the different clinics PerioCentrum, a project of which we are part of.

Diverse participation of PerioCentrum at the congress

Europerio: póster de Erik RegidorDr. Erik Regidor presented a poster titled “Effectiveness of keratinized mucosa on the maintenance of implants treated from peri-implantitis”. A work done together with our workmates Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Dr. Jordi Navarro, the periodontal maintenance responsible Eva González and care assistant Mónica González.On the other hand, doctor Ortiz-Vigón participated in many several meetings with industry professionals to promote, to boost and to achieve collaboration agreements of investigation trough PerioCentrum Research line of inquiry.

Without a doubt, the PerioCentrum brand had a significant presence at EuroPerio Amsterdam. In fact, Dr. Fabio Vignoletti of PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona took part in the cycle of conferences about on Friday 22 to talk about soft tissue management in one of the principal auditoriums of the congress. He also is coauthor of some other presented studies:

  • Dr. Nicola de Rosa, “Prevalence, extent, severity and patient perceptions of gingival recessions in a population of students of dentistry and dental hygene”.
  • Dra. Carlotta Danesi, “Biologically guided flap stability: the role of periosteum retention on the performance of the coronally advanced flap. A double blind randomized clinical trial”.

Dr. Eduardo Montero, a PerioCentrum Madrid colleague too, was a finalist in the EFP awards for his work titled “Effects of periodontal therapy on systemic markers of inflammation in patients with metabolic syndrome”. A real pleasure to be able to represent and take part in events of so deeply rooted tothe periodontics community, as well as to be able to share part of the clinical, academic and investigative labor that we carry out both in the clinic and in the rest of PerioCentrum’s centers. We continue #thikingperio.

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