Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy

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IInd edition of the Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy course

Great reception of the second edition of the Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy course. Celebrated in PerioCentrum Academy’s facilities in Madrid, the principal objectives of this formative proposal for odontologists and hygienists are to learn the key concepts for diagnosis and prevention of the periodontal patient, to learn to execute an appropriate plan of treatment and to learno to carry out an appropriate managing of the periodontal patient, to learn the different protocols of non-surgical periodontal treatment and to learn to systematize the protocols of maintenance and loyalty of the patient periodontal.

Curso de Terapia Periodontal No QuirúrgicaVariety of teachers

The course lasted two days. In both days, there were a lot of doctors teaching, thus giving the formative experience a high level of dynamism and a disposition to personalized attention to the assistants.

Doctors Maria Minguez and Mercedes Lopez Durán were the teachers on Friday morning. They approached topics as anatomy of periodontal tissues, differences between healthy and sick periodontium, etiopathogeny of periodontal diseases, risk factors, classification and epidemiology of periodontal diseases.

Moreover, as a part of PerioCentrum’s Corporate Social responsibility “Supporting young entrepreneurs” Icnodent’s Dr. Jonathan A. Mulas participated as well as a teachers to present his project and ICNOS system. Doctors Alfonso Oteo and Estefanía Laguna closed the theoretical base on Friday.

Saturday was divided into two parts: theoretical and practical classes. During the morning, the participants worked the concepts of scaling and root planning (set of instruments, clinical results, microbiological results), coadjutant treatments of (antimicrobial) periodontitis, and periodontal reevaluation with doctors Maria Minguez y Estefanía Laguna. The practical part was concentrated in the evening under the mentoring of the mentioned doctors Laguna and Minguez, together with doctors Nerea Sanchez and Mercedes Lopez Durán.

Prelude of Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Thank you very much to all the participants for their confidence in PerioCentrum’s methodology and for their participation. Special mention to Bonfanti & Gris Instrumental, Straumann, Salugraft Dental, Inibsa Dental and BTI Biotechnology Institute, strategic collaborators in our educational programs. Collaborators with whom also we will count on in the next dates (February 22, 23 and 24) for the course of Surgical Periodontal Therapy, continuation of the newly finished course, which is already complete.

All the information about professionals’ training can be found either in our website or in PerioCentrum.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”9425,9417,9418,9419,9420,9421,9422,9423,9424,9426,9427,9428,9429,9430,9431,9432,9416″ img_size=”800×600″][easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,linkedin,print,mail,whatsapp” style=”icon”][stm_post_comments][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”812″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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