How does coffee affect our teeth?

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Coffee is an essential part of our Monday morning diet. More than 95% of Spanish adults drink coffee every day, making it one of our most popular drinks.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]We often wonder: how does coffee affect our teeth? Is it harmful? Is it true that it makes them yellow or dark? We will try to resolve these issues.

Yes, coffee does stain our enamel. It is something that affects the aesthetics of our teeth: it darkens the enamel; it removes the shininess, and may even cause the appearance of spots. The vulnerability of our enamel is different in each of us. You will not necessarily have yellow teeth because of drinking coffee. The quality of our enamel depends both on our genetics, our diet and our hygiene habits. For example, a diet rich in calcium will make our teeth more resilient and healthy. Beyond aesthetics, coffee does not affect other areas, or produce oral diseases.

However, recommendations to prevent darkening our enamel are: brushing teeth after every meal, or, if we cannot, drinking a glass of water after drinking coffee. It is also advisable to chew sugarless gum or sugar-free sweet after coffee as this stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to clean our teeth.

At the Ortiz-Vigón Clinic we offer different aesthetic treatments tailored to your needs. These include tooth whitening, adapted to the needs of each patient. Darkened enamel can be caused for different reasons: the intake of certain foods, tetracyclines, trauma, devitalized teeth etc. We offer personalised treatment for each. For more information about treatments, please contact us.

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