Getting to know… Cristina

Cristina Carnicero

Administration coordinator

Conociendo a Cristina

The clinic and the patients

How did you end up working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

I have been working here fore more than 30 years, when this was a family clinic. In other words, all my life.

Llevo en la clínica más de 30 años, cuando era una clínica familiar. O sea, toda mi vida.

Which three qualities must have someone whose job is the same as yours?

Empathy, kindness and good presence.

How is a workday for you at the clinic?

Intense, but everyday is different, I learn something new everyday. And each patient is unique, making each day also different from the rest.

Which is the major satisfaction of working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

The personalized service allows you to have the patient as a friend.

How differs this clinic from the rest?

Over the years, the clinic has grown up and day by day top professionals have joined the team, but always keeping the essence of the clinic.

Is there any particular moment you remind with special affection?

Through all these 30 years, we could tell a thousand anecdotes. I remember with special tenderness the clinic’s celebration of its “Silver Anniversary” because my colleague Mª Carmen Blanco and myself both also celebrated our 25 years in Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and we had a wonderful party. I also remember each and every one of the Christmas annual lunches, where all the colleagues enjoy together in a more relaxed atmosphere. However, I also remember with particular fondness a surprising tribute Dr. Ortiz-Vigón paid to “Charlie’s Angels”, that is to say, to Dr. Carmen Carnicero, Mª Carmen Blanco and myself.


Cristina pasea por la playa

If you did not have this job, what do you think you will be doing?

I have always liked the direct contact with people and I would have liked to study any medicine field.

A quality you appreciate in people?


A quality that defines you?

I think sympathy too, I try to have affinity with all people.

A hobby?

I love reading, going out with my friends and being with my family.

Philias, not phobias

A book: Julia Navarro writer’s La biblia de barro

A film or a series: The Thorn Birds, I loved that series when I was a teenager

A song: Elefantes named group’s Que yo no lo sabía

A place to lose yourself: Las Negras, in Almeria

Cristina Carnicero is not the only workmate who has shared her personal aspect. Would you like to know how did they start working here, what they love or what are other members of the team like?

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