Extension of opening hours

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Extension of opening hours!

Thanks to the trst placed by our patients and those who have decided to chose Ortiz-Vigón Clinic as their dental clinic of reference in the centre of Bilbao, we can say we keep growing. Moreover, the team of the professionals who make possible Ortiz-Vigón Clinic to keep going everyday, has risen over the past months. We have a great team of specialized professionals who care to the finest detail about your oral health. At this juncture, we are happy to announce a extension of opening hours from 2nd October!:

Ampliamos horario en tu clínica dental de confianza en Bilbao

Therefore, the first four days of the week we will continue opening our doors since early morning, but Ortiz-Vigón Clinic will close at 20:00 in the afternoon. In other words, two more hours everyday. On the other hand, on Fridays the opening hours remain the same. We would like to remind that we will continue not closing at lunch time, adapating our services to the felixble neeeds society demands nowadays.

However, our patients can call us at +34 629 257 524 in case of emergency. Do not forget, we will be waiting for you here, in the centre of Bilbao. Make an appointment whenever you want.

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