Dr. Ortiz-Vigón awarded in SEPA Málaga congress

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On Saturday 26 May concluded Periodontics and Oral Health Congress organized by Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration (known as SEPA in Spanish) in Málaga, where a part of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic’s team has participated. The event, developed in 3 days, has resulten in a historical event for the odontology field due to the participation of more than 4,500 professionals. Among them were Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Dr. Esperanza Gross, Dr. Mariana González-Axpe, the responsible for periodontal maintenance Idoia Ayllón and the responsible for administration and accounting June González

El equipo en SEPA Málaga[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Prize for Best Oral Clinical Presentation

SEPA Málaga Congress has not only served as a networking and educational space for our professionals. In fact, Dr. Alberto ortiz-Vigón has been awarded with the Prize for Best Oral Clinical Presentation for his work “Film-based bone grafting: new approach for augmenting bone horizontally”, signed by thedoctor himself, Dr. Germán Barbieri, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic’s Erik Regidor and Esperanza Gross doctors and Dr. Mariano Sanz.

Dr. Ortiz-Vigón premiado en SEPA Málaga

Improving in management

SEPA Málaga

Within the framework of SEPA’s Periodontics and Oral Health Congress, the I edition of SEPA’s  Management Congress was also celebrated, in which our colleague June Gonzalez participated. Great lecturers took part talking about management and economy in the odontologic area, such as the specific meeting with the economist Jose Maria Gay de Liébana, to whom our person in charge of administration could listen to live.


Smile is a Foundation was presented at SEPA

In addition, the multitudinous meeting SEPA Malaga was the ideal scenario to develop the presentation of the NGO Smile is a Foundation, of which Ortiz-Vigón Clinic as well as PerioCentrum are founder companies. Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Dr. Fabio Vignoletti, Dr. Daniel Rodrigo and other members of the foundation, presented the humanitarian labor that the organization develops since its creation and a summary of the actions carried out during the campaigns conducted in Zimbabwe.

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Here you have the summary video of SEPA Malaga, in which you can find Dr. Ortiz-Vigón and Dr. Esperanza Gross.

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