Digital transformation

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Digitalization is present in our day to day at any instant. Digital transformation is a reality and in an environment such as science, seems to us to be essential. Dental sector, as weel as all the fields related to health, must adapt to the new scenario. Not only that, digital transformation brings great improvements in investigation and in work processes, with a positive effect on the health of the patient. And this improvement is due to better precision that digital transformation involves.

In Clinic Ortiz-Vigón we are not strangers to digital transformation and we have always bet for the leading edge technology. However, change and corresponding improvement do not come only by acquiring the latest technology, but it is vital the clinical personnel to be kept on date of the last innovations, to have the necessary knowledge to optimize the digitalization which definitively contributes to the process of improvement for the patient.


Educational training for our team

In this context, several members of our team participated in an educational training afternoon for professionals of odontology organized by Straumann, a company of dental implants with presence in more than 70 countries and specialists in implantology dental and restorative odontology. The above mentioned course was developed at Carlton Hotel in Bilbao. Cristina and Bego (recepetion and patient care), Mª Carmen, Idoia, and Silvia J (periodontal maintenance), Judit (dental prosthesist) and doctors Navarro and Martin participated in the digital transformation meeting.

During the course our colleagues had the chance observe, try and touch the new digital solutions of the Swiss company of dental implants. Our team had the opportunity to learn about the last innovations in intraoral scanners, 3D printers for the high speed professional manufacture of odontologic certified products, of maximum precision and quality; milling technologies or last generation screens adapted to the medical environment and to the design of the odontologic material. Technology of last generation we do not lose sight of at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic, where we do great bets on digital transformation and the empowerment of our clinical personnel to confront the new digital challenges.

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