Dental face to face

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Dental face to face

Several PerioCentrum’s doctors of the different clinics have taken part in a curious initiative organized by Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). By the name of “A concept battle on hot topics in periodontology and implant dentistry”, the neuroscience department of the Italian university bsed in the region Veneto has carried out a congress where Italian and Spanish odontology professionals “battled” face to face to discuss the hottest topics about periodontology and implant dentistry.

Among speakers invited to the event were doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón (Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao), Eduardo Montero (PerioCentrum Madrid) and Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona). In the Spanish team was also included doctor Ignacio Sanz, renowned professional colleague. In fact, the doctors of PerioCentrum took part in the event also as members of Complutense University of Madrid, academic institution in which they collaborate with the mentioned Dr. Sanz.


Periodontal disease and periimplantitis

The congress was divided into three discussion parts. In the first session Dr. Eduardo Montero faced his italian colleague under a common theme: “Pregnancy and prevention of cardiovascular disease in periodontal patients”. Both doctors had to answer to the following questions: is there an implication of periodontal diseases in pregnancy and cardiovascular complications? and is there a role for the dental professional in primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular and pregnancy complications?

Doctor Alberto Ortiz-Vigón took part during the third session. While Fabio Vignoletti acted as a moderator in the face-to-face, Dr. Ortiz-Vigón exposed his opinion and expertise to his Italian correspondent, Dr. Luca de Stavola, with whom in addition, Ortiz-Vigón has collaborated in several scientific publications. The focal point of the third session was “How to decide if to regenerate of to extract in a case of perimplantitis or an ailing dental implant ?”. The questions they had to answer explored topics such as criteria of extraction or maintenance of the dental ailing implant, criteria to choose the right regeneration technique and protocol of detoxification of the implant. Topics, certainly, in which the doctor has high specialized knowledge.

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