Getting to know… Ainhoa

Ainhoa Ramos


The clinic and the patients

Why did you choose this profession?

Because I have always wanted to work in the health-care sector.

Which three qualities must have someone whose job is the same as yours?

I think dental assistants should be accountable not only of the material we manage but also of the people we treat. I also believe that empathy with the patient is important, as well as being communicative with colleagues and patients.

How is a workday for you at the clinic?

I come early in the morning, and after checking one more time again the agenda, I start working side by side with the doctor in ongoing treatments at the pace the agenda itself sets. Moreover, we all meet almost everyday to analyze the clinical cases and to be coordinated as much as we can.

Which is the major satisfaction of working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

To work with my current colleagues and my working hours, which allow me to combine my job with my personal life. To have a job that satisfies you and, at the same time, to have time for your people is something that I really appreciate.

How differs this clinic from the rest?

Behind closed doors, I would say cutting-edge technology and permanent training for the professionals who work here. I think it is very positive to have the chance to improve your professional skills in your own work center.

With reference to the patients, I think that all member of the team try to give their best so the patients have a nice experience at the dentist, feel good and can satisfy their treatment needs.

A tip for our patients?

I would say to attend the periodical checks the doctor or the hygienists recommend, either quarterly, biannual or annual albeit not feeling any pain, and to dedicate more time to oral hygiene. It is important to underline waht I’m saying, there’s no need to wait for pain to visit the dentist.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]Conociendo a Ainhoa: su hobby es cocinar - Equipo Clínica Ortiz-Vigón


If you did not have this job, what do you think you will be doing?

Probably, in the area of education. In fact, I have a degree in Pedagogy.

A quality you appreciate in people?


A quality that defines you?


A hobby? 

Cooking with my family.

Philias, not phobias

A bookMi planta de naranja-lima, by José Mauro de Vasconcelos.

A film or a series: Avatar.

A song: Devuélveme la vida, by Antonio Orozco.

A place to lose yourself: the beach.

Ainhoa Ramos is not the only workmate who has shared her personal aspect. Would you like to know how did they start working here, what they love or what are other members of the team like?

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